189 War

4 Gofyniad i ddynion sydd heb ymrestru - Ymrestwch Heddyw Product Link
United Kingdom, C. 1916
19 x 29 in (48 x 74 cm)

President Wilson to the People of the United States. Product Link
USA, C. 1917
22 x 32 in (56 x 81 cm)

These New Yorkers Volunteered Last Week. Is Your Name on this List? Product Link
USA, C. 1917
22 x 34 in (56 x 86 cm)

Wiener Konzerthaus Montag den 2 April 1917 abends 1/2 7 Uhr in groben Konzerthaussaale Product Link
Germany, 1917
21 x 33 in (53 x 84 cm)

Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär..... es soll uns doch gelingen! Kameraden, zeichnet kriegsamleihe! Product Link
Germany, C. 1914
22 x 18 in (56 x 46 cm)

Mach Dein Geld zu Stahl Und Seifen! Zeichne die neunte Kriegsanleihe! Product Link
Germany, C. 1914
18 x 28 in (46 x 71 cm)

Would Nathan Hale Hold Back If He Were Here Today? Product Link
USA, C. 1900s
21 x 28 in (53 x 71 cm)

El Nazismo - Conferencia Alemania Bajo Bayonetas Product Link
Mexico, C. 1940
19 x 25 in (48 x 64 cm)

Ne Touchez pas a la Chine - Le Droit des Peuples a disposer d;eux - memes Product Link
France, 1925